
Help Support Our Everyday Heros Saving Lives since 1925

Surf Life Saving Australia is a community cause committed to reducing coastal drowning by 2025. Every day SLSA lifesavers rescue 30 people and they conduct 451 preventative actions every hour. SLSA’s lifesavers have completed 12,146 first aid treatments and 4,772 rescues.

Where do the funds go?

Sponsorship, fundraising and donations go directly to our Club for vital equipment required to run an efficient patrol and of course to train our up and coming lifesavers of the future.  Have you had an experience with one of our lifesavers and want to lend them a helping hand in return???

Our mission is to continue to fly the Red and Yellow flags high on our iconic beach therefore we are searching for valuable contributions for much needed equipment.  The items listed below are a sample of what is required to operate a patrol at one of Australia’s busiest beaches.

Patrol Uniform Per Patrolling Member A must for Sun Safety  $60
Spinal Board Used to retrieve casualties from the water with suspected back or
neck injuries
Defibrillator Provide assistance in case of cardiac arrest $3000
Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Important for quick response to mass rescues + treatment of
Outboard Motor Required for Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) $4000
sponsor gold coast surf club

If you would like to make a donation please click the button below.  Once payment is complete you will receive a receipt via email.  Alternatively for sponsorship opportunities please contact Selina on 07 5553 1900 option 3 or email media@surfersparadiseslsc.com.au

Our Club Sponsors